Example of a CV

Examples of a CV can be a big help. They can give you fresh ideas of how to ‘power up’ your CV.

What I’m adding here with these CV or resume templates or examples is my commentary on what works, why I’ve written them the way I have. This provides insight into how you can adapt yours in order to improve it.

Example of a CV – Downloads to Study

Just note: a CV is a notoriously difficult document to write for yourself. If you get stuck and feel you need professional help, I’m here for you. See my “Professional CV Writing” page or contact me directly at gerard at jobsearching.co.za

Example of a CV #1 PDF

 Example of a CV #2 PDF

You’ll notice that these CV examples are different to what you’ve ever seen before. I’m a big believer that you need to differentiate yourself with your CV. So instead of doing things the same way you’ve always done them, perhaps it’s time to try a  new approach.

Do I write every CV the way I’ve written these? No. But the principles hold true.

Examples of a CV – Templates to Write Your CV

CV Template #1 (conservative approach) – click and download. Open up in MS Word and add your details – you can also adapt your approach using the principles learned in the examples of a CV above.

CV Template#2 (more international / advanced approach) – click and download. Open up in MS Word and add your details – you can also adapt your approach using the principles learned in the examples of a CV above

Contact me on gerard at jobsearching.co.za if you need my personal help.


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