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CV writing is hard! Your CV should be landing you more interviews and making you look amazing. Is it?

[Click here for info on my personal, professional CV writing services page – OR, just email or Whatsapp me:, +27 83 744 5454. I’ll send you some info.]

CV writing can be tough. So, this is where you’ll get step-by-step help with your CV writing.

You sit with your CV, late into the night. You’re tearing your hair out!

Yep, you may be finding that your CV – curriculum vitae or resume (USA version) – well, it’s just not the promotional tool you’d like it to be. It’s long, average. And it looks like every other CV out there. There’s nothing special about it. No spark.

So what do you need? 1) Maybe the personal assistance I can give with my Professional CV writing service – I’ve written CV’s for doctors, CEO’s, MD’s, Engineers, Admin Clerks, Accountants, Students – I’m confident I can help you too (wherever you are in the world (Aus, USA, Uk, RSA).

Or 2) maybe you’re looking for a CV sample or examples, or a CV template perhaps? You’ll find step-by-step instructions on “how to write a CV” here. And you can take my CV success tests here.

Now, which of these questions fits you?

  • Do you need to write a CV that really sells you?
  • Do you need a step-by-step guide to writing a CV or cover letter from scratch?
  • Do you need your CV to showcase your unique value?
  • Do you need your CV to get better, quicker results from recruiters and employers?
  • Do you perhaps need a CV or resume that is acceptable internationally?

I’ll be sharing my insider insights with you – as a professional CV writer and recruiter – here. I know your CV can be a powerful promoting document. It can make you stand out. But … writing it – especially writing it yourself – is a tough challenge. Like “LB” found.

Recently I got this testimonial from him (“LB”) – a cv writing client:

“Hi Gerard, Thanks for your help, I sent my C.V out the day after receiving it from you. Within two days I had four interviews lined up and I’m glad to report I got three offers. I picked my favourite and I’m starting at [the company] on Monday. Its a great offer and more than I was expecting.” – LB, 04, 2009

Why do I mention this? Because in LB’s case – he’s an Engineer – writing a CV isn’t his ‘thing’. It’s my ‘thing’. And I know this pretty much for 100% sure:

Your CV isn’t doing you justice. It looks like a million others. It doesn’t capture how valuable you can be to a business. It doesn’t show how you’re special.

How can I say this? I’ve personally reviewed and re-written thousands of CVs over the last 10 years – some of which have been written by the cheap, one-size-fits-all CV writing services you’ll see advertised on Google – and – I wish I didn’t have to say this – 99% of them have been lousy. Maybe yours is different, I hope so. But even so, I guarantee there are some major improvements you could make.

CV Writing Help You’ll Get Here

So browse around here – you’ll find some good step by step guidance, whatever your CV, curriculum vitae or resume, or even job interview and cover letter – situation.

You’ll see cv writing advice, cv writing services. And in my blog you’ll see some ‘quick ideas’ to help you make your CV more effective.

Your CV is too important to leave to chance. It’s your lifelong career partner – it sells you, and with the Internet now, it sells you around the world and even while you sleep! Is your CV helping you are harming you?

Worried About Your CV?

If you’re worried about your CV, then perhaps there are other job hunting questions that also worry you. So, while you’re here please subscribe to my weekly e-column, Job Search Success, in which I share bright ideas on career, job search, CV, job interview and related topics. I’ve been writing it since 2002. See the box below for details.

How to Get my Personal Help Now

1) Send your existing CV to me via e-mail:

2) Then expect my call. We can talk a little about your situation, what your challenges are, how I can help.

And now for an overview of what you’ll find here at WOW!CV – there’s lots to help you.

WOW!CV Site Contents

Professional CV Writing
Having your CV writing
done by a professional often is a great help. You cut a lot of the frustration out. And you end up with a more professional document that gets better, quicker results for you. Read more about my ‘one-stop’ frustration ending professional cv writing service here.

Also, if you’re in a place like Dubai, I have CV writing services for you. Navigate to the page “Professional CV Writing Dubai” – to see some how-to advice and services.

How to Write a CV
Your CV and not knowing how to write your CV can drive you nuts! And yet, it’s important to get your CV right. So here’s where you’ll find the step-by-step guidance and an accompanying free cv template. C’mon, it’ll be easy.

CV Writing Tips and Tricks (Gerard’s CV Writing Blog)
Get regular insights into the real life of a full time CV writer and job search coach – the CV tips, the CV tricks, the CV ‘hacks’ that give you a deeper insight into how to write your CV better.

CV Sample and Examples
Having a CV sample or CV examples can be helpful. You want it/them to see what works, how a CV should look, what it should have in it. And then you want to apply it to your CV. Ok so here are some CV samples for you to study.

CV Template / Templates
Using a CV template can be an easy way of writing your CV. Just fill in your details. There’s a CV template or two for you to use free. But you need to beware … there are some serious CV template dangers.

Free CV Check Online – CV Review, Tests, Check-up
When you send your CV out into the world – will to do the work it must? Will it get attention? Will it convey your marketing message? Or will it just get dumped like so many other CV’s will?

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