Before You Choose a CV Writer, Read This

A CV writer could change your luck. Here are 4 critical criteria to use when choosing one – from Gerard le Roux, a CV writer and advertising copywriter with 20 000 hours of CV writing experience.

[Contact me here: gerard [at], or call me on +27 83 744 5454 – it’s my personal number. Before calling, please make sure you’re serious about getting professional help.]

4 Criteria for Choosing a Good CV Writer

Must be a salesman. You are a product, a service, a business. Your market is employers. So if you’re a business, do you have a sales department? Who’s selling you? Who’s your Rep? Who’s in PR? Who’s out there selling for you? And it is a sale. The employer has a need. You have a solution. But in a competitive market you better be good at sales.

Or have someone in your corner who is.

Must be able to sell with words. Many CV writers think the secret is in the English, the grammar, the spelling. And sure, that’s all important. But let me tell you a secret. Employers and recruiters are looking, desperately, for good people. They make a lot of money from them.

Is a little typo going to make them bury you? Not if you’re presenting yourself with power and effect. Not if you’re hitting the right buttons. Not if you make a compelling case. And to get that right, you need someone who can string the words together in a way that’s persuasive.

You better have someone in your corner who can do that.

Must take a personal approach. You are unique. You need someone who’ll listen and work with you on your ‘marketing message.’ Someone who will put a positive spin on your experience (not just type the words into a pretty format.) And someone who understands what it the ‘heck’ it is you do.

You’d better have a CV writer can do that.

Must have a big imagination. Why?! Because let’s be real, you may have been in Admin for 20 years. You may not have won any awards. You may have just been ‘reliable Suzie’ in Accounts. And that’s okay! But even so, your CV needs to stand out. It needs to sell you. It needs to make an impact. It takes imagination from a CV writer to find a way.

You’d better have one who has it.

[Gerard le Roux is a CV writer who fits these criteria. What’s he reading right now? “Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets … Killer Salesmanship, The Function of Seduction” by John Carlton. I’ve done my 20 000 hours as an expert, but I’m always learning, trying to figure new ways to help job hunters grab attention and be irresistible to en employer.]

Go to for more. Or e-mail me at gerard [at], or call me on my personal number (only if you’re serious about getting professional help) on +27 83 744 5454.




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