Where to Find Jobs – This is Where & How to Find a Job

Where to Find Jobs?

“Where to find jobs?” is a desperate question for many. So, this page is dedicated to listing useful websites and other places that people have used to answer the questions: where do I find a job? how do I find work? what sites work for work? where are the jobs!? how can I find employment?!

Perhaps this page will provide the answers you need.

If you have any source of jobs to share – a website, a journal, a newspaper, even a recruitment company – please share it with me via Facebook comments below. Or just e-mail me on gerard at jobsearching.co.za.

Where to Find Jobs: Online Job Sites

(PLEASE vote if you’ve had a positive experience! Let’s see who’s most popular. And if your FAVE isn’t listed here send it to me and I’ll add it.)

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Top Online Job Search Sites










Top Online Aggregators*

[* Aggregators are sites that collect job ads from many online sources and present them to you when you search.]



Please vote if you’ve had success with any of these. Also please add your comments below regarding your experience with these sites; and add any other sites you’ve had success in finding a job with.

What works, people?!

New Emerging Sites

Here’s a list of sites that appear determined to make a difference to the online job search sector – the owner’s have been in touch with me and they seem passionate about making them work.


Where to Find Jobs: Other Internet Places

These are other Internet based tools and websites to be making use of to find employment / work / your next career opportunity.

(Feel free to add your comments below via the Facebook comments – I’ll add your ideas to the main list here.)

LinkedIn.com (www.linkedin.com)

This is a great place to control your professional presence on the ‘net. You should do that.

Here’s how to use LinkedIn.com:

But also it’s a great place to do a few other things regarding finding jobs:

  1. Find, make contact with and interact with people who are working in your industry and who may know of opportunities for you.
  2. Learn what’s going down in your industry via your belonging to “Groups”. Groups are where people come to discuss special interest topics – you’ll see groups for Marine Engineers, for IT Professionals, etc. Jobs are also advertised in these groups. And …
  3. You stand to be found by a recruiter looking for someone like you.

Branch Out (www.branchout.com)

This is the Facebook version of LinkedIn.com. There are similar benefits, although LinkedIn.com is dominant and that’s what I would advise. Also know that you should choose one and ‘work it’ instead of flitting between different platforms.

Company Websites

Company websites are often a good place ‘where to find jobs’! (For example: ACME Manufacturers will have their own www.ACME.co.za website).

Here’s how to use company websites:

So … target a certain industry, target a few select companies in a niche (eg. “shoe manufacturers” if that’s where your expertise lies) of your choice and then visit their websites.

And once there, you do 3 things:

  1. Look to see what jobs they have advertised – often you’ll see a “Work For Us” or a “Careers” link, page or button.
  2. Learn about the company (look at the “News” or “Blog” pages, press releases, etc especially), what are they experiencing? what challenges lie ahead? what do they value most? what’s their business model? where do you think you can add value to their operations?.  And …
  3. It’s a place to notice who the people are making the decisions – these details may be helpful to you if you’re a ‘proactive’ or “guerrilla-style” job hunter!

Facebook.com (www.facebook.com)

Okay now you’ll know this one, BUT, you’ve got to be careful. There are pitfalls. Here are a few guidelines for finding work or connecting with people who can help you in your mission to find the answer to “where do I find a job??!!”.

Here’s how to use Facebook.com:

  1. It’s a proven fact. Most (ie. a percentage higher than 50%) of job hunters find jobs via their network of friends and family. So being able to easily communicate with them – and an E-X-T-E-N-D-E-D array of other people is: cool!
  2. So, here’s how to do it: 1) know exactly what kind of job you’re looking for – even what company you want to work at! 2) Put a clear, simple message out there to your network of what you’re looking for (eg. “Hi friends … help me out real quick … do you know anyone at all connected with an Import/Export business? Anyone? I’m looking for a some quick advice regarding my job search in this field and want to have a quick chat. Who can you refer me to?”)
  3. Notice in #2 you don’t say “I’m looking for a job desperately, please help!” It’s a turn off. It doesn’t work. Rather use the above approach, get names, call them up using the referral and ask for their guidance: “I’m looking for an Import Admin job – in my last job I had a record of 99.5% accuracy and I reduced paperwork processing time from 1 week to 2 days. Do you know anyone who’s looking?”
  4. Or you can get audacious, bold, even cocky: “My next job is at ABC  Importers – but get this – THEY DON’T KNOW IT YET! Do any of you – my dear FB friends – know anyone who works there? I’d like to find out who I should be talking to (just to get them up to speed!)”
  5. Keep it professional. Cut out the pics of your drunken weekend! Cut out soppy stories! Cut out your criticizing of your previous employer! Cut out bad language! Cut out your telling your tale of woe! Come across positive! Alive! Proactive! Professional! Get it?

So, Facebook for job hunting and finding jobs can be a risky business – mixing your social life with professional – but it can work, so use it judiciously in your search for your next career move.


1) More is being added to this page, so bookmark it. Please add your comments below.

And …

2) To get regular updates – ‘guerrilla’ job search ideas to help you get more job interviews, more job offers, more often – just send an e-mail to 12jss@getresponse.com. I’ll also send you my free e-course “12 Breakthrough Job Search Secrets”.


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